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Strategic Partners

Expo Booth Information

As a strategic partner for EPIC International Summit 2021, you may have your own virtual expo booth throughout the event. There are several options to make the most of this opportunity, which are detailed below:

Live Representative

You can host a live session from your booth with a representative from your organization as host. 


Attendees can join this booth session and interact with the host via chat or live on video and audio. Your representative (host) will have moderator privileges.


When there is not a representative live at your booth, the booth will display content through one of the 2 other options listed below.

YouTube/Vimeo Video

You can embed a YouTube or Vimeo link for attendees to play on demand. 

Google Slides Presentation

You can embed a Google Slides presentation that attendees can click through at their own pace. This is the best option if you would like to include multiple videos, links to further resources or images. 

Preview of Booth Appearance

Booth Thumbnail.jpg
Booth Overview.jpg

If you would like a booth at the Summit, please fill out this form:

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