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Become an EPIC Sponsor

Sponsor a unique and transformational experience.


By becoming a sponsor of the EPIC International Summit, you will join the EPIC mission of promoting creative leadership, ingenuity and social innovation through arts, experiential learning and humanitarian engagement.


There are a variety of levels of engagement when sponsoring the Summit and can be customized to meet your organizational objectives in participating.


Support Education

Sponsoring the Summit provides the support to cultivate a unique and creative environment for the cross-pollination of international professionals who attend and are equipped to make a difference in their environments.

Global & Local Reach

Sponsoring will provide you strong awareness in the Santa Barbara region and beyond. Due to the international participation and audience, you will have the opportunity to increase global awareness of your organization and mission to support creativity and innovation to change the world.


Ignite Ingenuity

Through your support in sponsorship, you are joining the EPIC effort to catalyze creativity and innovation to spark the ingenuity needed to solve complex problems in the world and foster positive transformation.

Meet our Previous Sponsors:

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Come and Join the EPIC Experience.

Fill out the form below and begin your journey to becoming an EPIC sponsor.

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